Planning to Retire Soon!

If you are planning to retire in the Philippines soon, I suggest you visit several excellent websites on pro's and cons of retiring in the Philippines. However if you want to retire in the provinces, where life is simple, standard of living cheaper, less traffic congestion and pollution, availability of fresh seafood and vegetables compared to the big cities, my island province is the place for you! If this is your first time in my site, welcome. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on the infringement of your copyrights. The photo above is the front yard of Chateau Du Mer- Our Retirement Home in Boac, Marinduque, Philippines

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Diet, Exercise and My Arthritis

Three weeks ago, my left knee was in pain and my personal physician confirmed it after an X'ray as a start of a mild to moderate form of Arthritis. There is no cure to arthritis but your diet could affect and reduce the swelling besides taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as Naprosin and other analgesics. I did some research on what foods to take as well as to avoid. The site below described foods that helps in reducing swelling and may reduce pain to a more manageable level.

The best approach to food for people with arthritis is a well-balanced diet which, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, should be centered on plant-based foods. Approximately two-thirds of your diet should come from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The other third should include low-fat dairy products and lean sources of protein. Fish Products are also highly recommended.

Exercise is one of the best things you can do to help your knees by helping maintain range of motion and strengthening the muscles that support them. Research shows that even relatively minor increases in the strength of the quadriceps – the muscles that run along the front of the thigh – can help reduce the risk of knee osteoarthritis and its progression, and reduce pain. Exercise can be helpful for other forms of arthritis, too, because it strengthens the muscles that support the joint. Proper exercise also may reduce the risk of knee injury and, if you need knee surgery, it will make recovery easier.

Knee Anatomy-I think my quadriceps muscles are the one slightly inflamed.

For detail information on diets and arthritis read the site below:

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