Planning to Retire Soon!

If you are planning to retire in the Philippines soon, I suggest you visit several excellent websites on pro's and cons of retiring in the Philippines. However if you want to retire in the provinces, where life is simple, standard of living cheaper, less traffic congestion and pollution, availability of fresh seafood and vegetables compared to the big cities, my island province is the place for you! If this is your first time in my site, welcome. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on the infringement of your copyrights. The photo above is the front yard of Chateau Du Mer- Our Retirement Home in Boac, Marinduque, Philippines

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

My Younger Years and the Beach House in the Philippines

Miko ( our pet dog) and I getting ready for our one KM morning walk on the Beach, 2012    

One of the question I was often ask, during our meal time conversations here at THD, is whether I have plans to visit the Philippines again. My answer is I really do not know, because I will need help during International Travels. Moreover the Beach house in Marindiuque had been closed for more that 5 years now and my immediately family are all here in the US.  

Some of my co-residents here are urging me to host and sponsor a tour of the Islands and me as the Guide. They told me I will be a perfect Guide, since I know about the life and tourists spots in the Philippines. I wish I could, but my current situation is not conducive to international travel. Suffice to say, the thought of going back to the Philippines for a long vacation, reminds of our experience residing in Marinduque for 3 months in 2012. The first month we did not have household help except for the laundry woman. However, Macrine and I survived and here's our story.

The Beach House-Go Art- Chateau Du Mer

The Main House and Front Gardens

The Main House-After 5 Years of Only Weekly Maintenance instead of Daily Maintenance 

The last three photos were taken at night time with only the moon as source of light.  For Additional Photos visit:

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