Planning to Retire Soon!

If you are planning to retire in the Philippines soon, I suggest you visit several excellent websites on pro's and cons of retiring in the Philippines. However if you want to retire in the provinces, where life is simple, standard of living cheaper, less traffic congestion and pollution, availability of fresh seafood and vegetables compared to the big cities, my island province is the place for you! If this is your first time in my site, welcome. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on the infringement of your copyrights. The photo above is the front yard of Chateau Du Mer- Our Retirement Home in Boac, Marinduque, Philippines

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Are You Addicted to Bridge? Popularity of the Game

While Playing Bridge the Other Day, one of the players mentioned she is addicted to the game. She ask us if this is Good or Bad. No one answered.  The question reminded me of several postings I have on the subject of addiction and bridge playing. 💚
I did search on the popularity of bridge worldwide and here's what I learned. 

Bridge is a sport: the World Bridge Federation is recognised by the International Olympic Committee. Just like every sport, Bridge offers enormous benefits to its players. It is enjoyed by tens of millions of people throughout the world – more so than any other card game.

How popular is the bridge game?

According to the American Contract Bridge League, 25 million Americans over the age of 18 know how to play bridge. These people are well educated (79 percent have a college degree), affluent (the average income is $62,000 per year), primarily white (71 percent) and older (the average age is 51).Mar 15, 2024

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