Planning to Retire Soon!

If you are planning to retire in the Philippines soon, I suggest you visit several excellent websites on pro's and cons of retiring in the Philippines. However if you want to retire in the provinces, where life is simple, standard of living cheaper, less traffic congestion and pollution, availability of fresh seafood and vegetables compared to the big cities, my island province is the place for you! If this is your first time in my site, welcome. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on the infringement of your copyrights. The photo above is the front yard of Chateau Du Mer- Our Retirement Home in Boac, Marinduque, Philippines

Friday, October 4, 2024

Rapid Turnover of THD Employees

Teresa Nudo- our recent Host and Chaperon during our Lunch Excursion at the SalesForce Rooftop Garden Park in San Francisco

Let me start this posting by stating that I am very happy here at THD.  However, a recent event  affected the spirit and lower the morale of several residents including myself.  It was the unexpected and sudden departure of Teresa Nudo- Activity Coordinator.  Rumor has circulated that she was fired and did not leave voluntarily. If this is true, something is rotten in Denmark!  (THD Management).  

I know it is none of my business of what is going on between THD-Management and its employees. But unexpected events of employees disappearing without explanation deserves a comment from me as a blogger.  Other residents probably can not care less, but after a while some of us residents developed a bond  (friendship) with the THD employees that help promote the enhancement of our well-being as well as a sense of belonging in our aging years at THD.     

I believe Teresa was doing an excellent job as Activity Coordinator and was well like by majority of residents because of her empathy for senior citizen issues.  Personally, I believe Teresa was doing an excellent job in the Activity Department. Her most recent hosting job was to chaperon us to the lunch excursions at the Rooftop Park in the SalesForce Tower in San Francisco.

Previously she worked as Resident Liaison and assisted Jenny Shively in the Marketing/Leasing Department.   We will miss you Teresa, Your empathy and kindness to the senior residents here at THD we will always remember.  Good Luck in your future endeavor.  

Here's an excerpt from my previous posting about THD.  

" Note that THD has been rated as a 5 Star Active Senior Living Community in the SFO East Bay. However,  Criticisms has touched on areas like parking availability and the handling of emergency situations ( no generator during power outage), suggesting a need for better communication and preemptive measures.  In addition, the rapid turnover of employees in the Activity Department also generated some negatives comments from a number of Residents". 

Another recent THD employee turnover was the sudden disappearance of our recent Sous Chef, Alberto Alvarez in the Newton's Kitchen.  I have talked to him when he joined the Kitchen staff just recently.  His several years of experience as Cook for a French Restaurant in San Francisco impressed me. During his few weeks of employment here, I noticed there were some creative changes in the Dinner and Dessert Menu, that a lot of residents like.  I heard Alberto quit on his own volition after some major disagreements with Agustin. If this is true, I would not be surprised for as the saying goes:


I hope our Dinner Menu and Lunches be more creative and varied. Variety is the Spice of Life. I am looking forward for another Filipino Dinner this month to celebrate Filipino-American History Month.      Thank You, Agustin and the Kitchen Crew!    

Prediction for Future THD Employee Turnovers: My guess  is there will be one or two more employee turn over before the end of the year by either voluntary retirement or change for a better positions both financially and a working environment. 
 Have a Great Day Every One!

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